Website Terms of Use


This document outlines the rules that must be followed by all users of the Zuri website.


These rules apply to anyone who accesses or attempts to access the Zuri website, herein referred to as “User”.

  • Personal Data: Any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes data used to create a behavioral profile of the individual.
  • General Data Protection Law (LGPD): Brazilian law nº 13.709/2018 that regulates the processing of personal data in digital or physical media. Its objective is to protect data subjects and allow its use for various purposes, balancing the interests of individuals with technological and economic development.
  • Data Subject: The natural person to whom the personal data refers.
  • Data Processing: Any operation performed on personal data, such as collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, disposal, evaluation, information control, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.
  • Browsing: Accessing and viewing pages and content on the company’s website or platform.

The Zuri website is an official communication and product disclosure channel. It was created to facilitate the company’s relationship with any natural person who has an interest in its products or solutions, or who represents an organization that wishes to maintain contact, learn about products or solutions, or improve their knowledge in the topics in which Zuri shares content.

5.1. By browsing this website, you expressly agree to follow these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of the Personal Data Holder. You acknowledge that both documents are in effect on the date of your access and that you must review them each time you visit the site.
5.2. You are responsible for using your own resources to access the website and for limiting your navigation to the content made available.
5.3. You are subject to current Brazilian law and are responsible for repairing any damage resulting from misuse of the site. It is prohibited to:
  1. Access programming areas, database or any other set of information related to the project, development or commercialization of the website;
  2. Reverse engineer, translate or decompile non-open source codes, for the purpose of copying, modifying, reproducing, renting, sublicensing, publishing, disclosing, transmitting, lending, distributing or otherwise disposing of the consultation tools of this website and its functionalities;
  3. Use applications that spy on or capture data processed by the website.
5.4. Zuri will make the necessary and reasonable technical efforts to maintain the continuous availability of the website, but reserves the right to make improvements and updates that may change the structure or layout of the website, as it deems fit. Zuri is not responsible if the website becomes unavailable.
5.5.Zuri is not responsible for the actions of users on its website. Each user is responsible for their actions when using the website.
5.6. All personal data entered in forms on this website are treated with the necessary security and confidentiality and only for the purpose of providing services by Zuri. If you wish to maintain contact to obtain more details about Zuri products or services, the following personal data will be collected: name, email and telephone number. This data will be used by the Zuri team to send content by email or telephone contact, following all the rules established by the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).
5.7. By providing your personal data on the website, you expressly agree to the processing of such information by Zuri, always respecting the purpose of the defined processing.
5.8. Zuri does not assign, share, make available, expose or sell personal data of users, whether those entered on this website or provided on other information platforms. The Personal Data Holder’s Privacy Policy details this commitment.
5.9 . Zuri may contact or send content to website users who wish to receive information related to its services or its mission. For this, users are responsible for providing correct data and keeping it updated.
5.10. Users are responsible for respecting all intellectual property rights and rights arising from the protection of trademarks, patents and/or industrial designs, deposited or registered in the name of Zuri, as well as all rights of third parties that may be, or have been, in any way, available on this website.
5.11. The content made available by Zuri that is intended to improve the relationship with the user or with the company that the user represents is protected by intellectual property rights and under no circumstances do users acquire any rights over them, being allowed, only, to make a personal file of the content made available, unless its use for another purpose is expressly authorized.
5.12. Users assume all and any responsibility, civil and/or criminal, for the misuse of data and content published on the website. This includes, but is not limited to, information, texts, graphics, trademarks, works, and images.
5.13. The commercial use of the expression Zuri, such as trademarks, company names or domain names, as well as the content of the website’s screens, programs, databases, networks, and their files are the property of Zuri and are protected by international laws and treaties on copyright, trademarks, patents, models, and industrial designs.
5.14. This Terms of Use Regulation is subject to constant improvement and refinement. Therefore, Zuri reserves the right to modify this document and its personal data owner’s privacy policy at any time, unilaterally.
5.15. The terms and conditions of use described herein shall be interpreted in accordance with Brazilian law, in the Portuguese language, and the Forum of the Comarca de São Paulo/SP shall be elected, expressly waiving any other, even if more privileged, for the resolution of any disputes or claims arising from or in connection with this instrument.